s we all continue to find new and innovate ways to fit all of life's little joys and necessities into our busy schedule the need for organisation is paramount, as is the need to recognise your strengths and weaknesses. A weakness I have always had is my memory I know that if something comes through my head it had better be down on paper or told to someone asap or its gone.
Some of the best ideas have gone by the wayside due to not accepting this weakness and doing something about it, luckily for me Evernote has worked it all out for me, if you haven't seen this great little program I highly recommend jumping on their site (www.evernote.com) now dont get me wrong I wasn't completely smitten with the program the first time i used it in October last year, but after I updated to my Macbook in January I took another look at the system and have found out why this little program is raved about all across the world.
I can now mind dump any idea I have easily through my blackberry or desktop whether that be a a business idea, personal reminder, article clipping, web page or even a blog entry idea (such as this one). The little machine with store the information , categorise it and allow me to never forget another note or idea again. I can ever leave a voice note over my Blackberry, or take an image for a design idea and send it straight through to my Evernote Desktop.
Evernote has truly changed my life and I recommend it as a fantastic business tool for any budding entrepreneur.
If you have any other programs that you use, please either leave a comment or throw me a line as i am always interesting in trying to organise my life even more
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